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Simplified and Streamlined Collections

Ease Your Financial Management with Precise Payment Allocation  In the.. Read more

Advance Receipts, Future Secured

Streamline Transactions with Advance Receipts In the dynamic world of.. Read more

Dues Made Manageable

Simplify Finances with Dues and Wallet Management  In the ever-evolving.. Read more


Leverage Your Credit Notes For Upcoming Invoices

Leverage Your Credit Notes For Upcoming Invoices

September 29, 2023 blog

The Power of Credit Notes in Your Hands  In the world of manufacturing and distribution, where cash flow is king, every financial instrument at your disposal matters. One such powerful tool often underutilized is the credit note. It’s not just a record of past adjustments; it’s a valuable asset that can boost your financial strategy and foresight.    Let’s delve.. Read more

Monitor Your Invoice Dues and Over-dues

Monitor Your Invoice Dues and Over-dues

September 29, 2023 blog

The Power of Financial Calendar and Alerts  In the fast-paced world of manufacturing and distribution, managing finances can sometimes feel like juggling too many balls in the air. Balancing incoming and outgoing payments, keeping an eye on due and overdue invoices, and ensuring the overall financial health of your business can be challenging. But what if there was a way.. Read more

Know Your Financial Freedom

Know Your Financial Freedom

September 29, 2023 blog

The Power of Real-Time Credit Limit Insights Imagine a scenario where you’re running a distribution business, and you have multiple transactions happening every day. These transactions might involve extending credit to customers or making purchases from suppliers. In this dynamic financial landscape, having a clear understanding of your credit limits can make a world of difference.  This is where BizGaze.. Read more

Discovering Opportunities, Unveiling Limits

Discovering Opportunities, Unveiling Limits

September 26, 2023 blog

Unlocking the Power of Offers: A Guide to Optimizing Your Business In the dynamic world of the lubricant business, understanding the intricacies of offers is crucial. Offers, in their various forms and slabs, play a significant role in attracting customers and driving sales. However, navigating the complexities of offers can sometimes feel like venturing into uncharted territory. That’s where our.. Read more

Entering Everything, Everytime? Just Import

Entering Everything, Everytime? Just Import

September 26, 2023 blog

Effortless Data Entry: Streamline Customer Information with Import Functionality Running a successful lubricant business means staying on top of a multitude of customer data. From contact information to purchase history, the amount of data to be entered and managed can be overwhelming. Manually entering every detail can be not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. That’s where our feature.. Read more

Group Your Customers As you Like

Group Your Customers As you Like

September 26, 2023 blog

Boosting Customer Engagement And Categorization Based On Tags  As a lubricant business holder, you know that one of the keys to success is understanding your customers. Every customer is unique, and tailoring your marketing efforts to their specific needs can make a world of difference. However, when you have a large customer base, efficiently categorizing and targeting them can become.. Read more

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