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blog - October 17, 2023

Never Miss a Beat with Order Alerts

Never Miss a Beat with Order Alerts

Never Miss a Beat with Order Alerts

Stay Ahead of Demand with Real-Time Alerts 

In the fast-paced world of the lubricant business, staying on top of your inventory and customer demands is crucial. Picture this: you’re managing your lubricant store, and you’ve got a steady stream of orders coming in. But, amidst the hustle and bustle, how can you ensure you never run out of essential items?


Let’s dive into a real-time scenario why Order Alerts proves its worth: 

Imagine you manage a lubricant store, and one of your loyal customers, a local construction company, is placing a substantial order for various lubricants. They rely on your timely deliveries to keep their heavy machinery running smoothly.


Meeting Customer Demand 

Customers in the lubricant industry often have specific needs, and they rely on you to meet those needs promptly. Running out of essential items can disrupt their operations, causing frustration and potentially leading them to explore other suppliers.


Real-Time Order Alerts

Our “Never Miss a Beat with Order Alerts” feature is designed to empower you to meet customer demand efficiently. Here’s how it works: 

Real-Time Monitoring: With this feature, you can monitor the quantities of items with existing orders while adding new ones in real-time. This means you’re always aware of your current stock levels and can make informed decisions.

Order Alerts: If adding a new order would result in shortages of certain items that are already committed to existing orders, our system alerts you immediately. This allows you to take action before the shortage occurs.

Efficient Resource Allocation: By having a clear view of your inventory and pending orders, you can allocate resources more effectively. For example, if you know you’re running low on a specific lubricant, you can prioritize reordering or finding alternatives.


Here’s how the feature comes to the rescue: 

Customer Order: The construction company places an order for a range of lubricants, including a specific type of hydraulic oil they need urgently.

Real-Time Monitoring: As you add the new order into your system, our feature is hard at work, monitoring your inventory levels and the quantities committed to existing orders.

Alert Notification: Just as you’re about to finalize the order, an alert pops up. It informs you that fulfilling this new order would deplete your stock of the hydraulic oil they need for an existing order scheduled for delivery the next day.

Informed Decision: Thanks to the alert, you make an informed decision. You adjust the quantities in the new order, ensuring that you have enough hydraulic oil to fulfill both orders without shortages. 


Stay Ahead of Demand Every Time Enhance Your Customer Experience 

Utilizing the BizGaze feature shows dedication to satisfying your customers by always staying on top of order alerts. This ensures you never run out of essential items, leading to happier and more satisfied customers. The feature streamlines your operations and strengthens your relationships with your customers. Your customers will appreciate your ability to anticipate their needs and avoid disruptions to their operations. 

Why wait for a shortage to happen when you can stay ahead? Implement our feature today to watch your lubricant business flourish and “Never Miss a Beat with Order Alerts”. Ensure you never run out of essential items. Embrace our feature now and provide the reliability and responsiveness your customers deserve! 

Want to Know How to Implement? Click Below Links

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