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blog - October 17, 2023

Empower Your Team with Special Discounts

Empower Your Team with Special Discounts

Empower Your Team with Special Discounts

Boost Morale and Control Discounts 

In the world of lubricant businesses, the success of your enterprise often relies on the collective efforts of your team. These dedicated individuals are the backbone of your operations, from sales representatives nurturing client relationships to warehouse staff ensuring timely deliveries. Keeping your team motivated and engaged is essential for business growth.


Let’s explore a real-time scenario where the “Special Discount Authorization” feature proves invaluable:

Imagine you have a dedicated sales representative, Sarah, who has been with your lubricant business for years. Sarah primarily focuses on maintaining relationships with key clients in the agricultural sector. Her role doesn’t involve traditional sales targets, but rather the retention and satisfaction of high-value clients. 


Here’s how the feature comes into play:

Client Interaction: Sarah is in touch with one of your long-time agricultural clients, Smith Farms. During their conversation, Smith Farms expresses a need for a bulk purchase of lubricants for their upcoming busy season.

Discount Authorization: Sarah, armed with the “Special Discount Authorization” feature, offers Smith Farms a tailored discount, knowing that this will strengthen the client’s loyalty and trust in your brand.

Control: However, as the business owner, you have set the maximum discount limit for Sarah at 15%. Sarah’s offer comfortably fits within this limit, ensuring that discounts are offered responsibly.


The Challenge: Employee Motivation and Sales Performance 

Every business owner understands the importance of a motivated workforce. Motivated employees tend to be more engaged, efficient, and proactive in their roles. However, in a lubricant business, it’s not always easy to find ways to motivate your team, especially if their job roles don’t directly tie to sales performance.


Empower Your Team with Special Discounts 

Our feature, “Special Discount Authorization,” provides a win-win solution:

Employee Discounts: With this feature, you can empower your employees with the ability to offer special discounts to customers. These discounts can be in the form of a fixed value or a percentage, giving your team the flexibility to tailor offers to customer needs.

Control and Accountability: The beauty of this feature is that it doesn’t compromise control. You set the limits. You decide which employees can authorize discounts and up to what value or percentage. This ensures that you maintain control over discount levels and prevent misuse.


Empower Your Team, Elevate Your Business 

The “Special Discount Authorization” feature is an empowering tool, not just a mere discounting tool. Entrusting your team with the ability to offer discounts boosts morale, fosters employee engagement, and enhances customer relationships. 

Are you ready to elevate your team’s motivation and maintain control over discounts? Implement BizGaze’s feature to experience a special Discount Authorization today and watch your lubricant business thrive. Empower your team to offer special discounts while maintaining control and accountability. Embrace the BizGaze’s features now and experience the difference it can make in your business!

Want to Know How to Implement? Click Below Links

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